Palestinians and Israeli Apartheid – #spbr2023

In January 2022, the normally cautious and sometimes conservative approach taken by Amnesty International changed when they published a report condemning the policies pursued by the Israeli State as apartheid.

This followed similar but less well known declaration by Al Haq, a Palestinian human rights organisation in Ramallah and also by B’Tselem, an Israeli human rights organisation in Jerusalem.

And more recently, Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur has said :

“Realising the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self determination requires dismantling once and for all the settler-colonial occupation and the apartheid practices of the Israeli state”

In small park BIG RUN in 2023 we would like to look at this and expose the behaviour of Israeli state and also some of its citizens who pursue a colonial policy of expropriation of Palestinian land. We will be publishing more information on this and making it available in the park too.

In Sheffield, Inspired by the 1981 campaign to make Sheffield a South African- Apartheid free zone, a broad coalition of organisations have come together to campaign to make Sheffield an Israeli Apartheid-Free Zone. They will be looking to ensure that all organisations and especially the council do not knowingly engage with the Apartheid State of Israel until it abides by all UN resolution and law as regarding the rights o Palestinian people, including the right of return. You can find out more about the coaltion background and objectives here.

Please sign their pledge .

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