
Reviews of small park BIG RUN 10/11 June 2017

Below is a selection of the lovely comments we have received. Thank you all very much. Please add a review to our Facebook page.

“Hi! Just want to add my congratulations to everyone for such a great event. Brilliant idea – and really well organised! I was a marshal for an hour or so – and had loads of very good conversations with people who were intrigued by what was going on. So – a great way of engaging all sorts of people and sharing with them the realities of the occupation. Well done all! x” Jenny 

“Well done to Caro and all the organisers and volunteers, not forgetting every runner/ walker. Brilliant!”  Steve

“Thanks for organising a great event for a good cause. I hope to come back next year and run even further!” Jasper McDowell (ran 55km!)

“Really great weekend, lovely bit at the end linking up with the run in Gaza, defo come again next year, cheers to you all.” Lee

“It was such a lovely event – felt so looked after by the lovely Rhian, Jawad and Andy welcoming us and talking us through the route, the marshals and the beautiful lanterns guiding us round x” Anna

“Really enjoyed it thanks so much. The marshalls were fabulous. That hill was a real challenge! See you next year x” Marlene

“What an amazing experience. Whoever organised the full moon deserves special mention but more helpful were the reflectors on poles and more magical were the lanterns through the woods. The whole event was really well managed – all we had to do was turn up and enjoy the run. I was glad that we ran in the dark and couldn’t see how steep the hill was: when I saw it the next day I thought I’d not have coped so well if I could have seen it looming each lap. A huge thank you to the whole organising and support team.” Tony and Anna

“Well done to all the organisers, especially Caroliine Poland, and all the marshals and helpers. Lovely event to be part of. Cracking sky last night, and the woods have never looked so enchanting as they did last night, with all the lovely twinkly lights and lanterns!” Sharon

“We had a fab time supporting a great cause. Thanks for introducing us to the steepest hill I’ve ever run up! Lovely marshals too. X” Denise

“Absolutely amazing event! Thanks to a superb team xx” Val

“It was just lovely as an event and went off so smoothly. What a fabulous park! The hill’s a bit of a killer, but it did make me feel very virtuous for getting up it and, of course, serious runners love something like that. The Fun Run and Gaza link were great ways to end the day. I’m sure we’ll all be talking and thinking happily about it for ages and what a fantastic solidarity message to Palestine from right across the community! Brilliant.” Annie

“Well done to all the amazing organisers – some of whom stayed up for the whole time and many ran too. As well as raising money and awareness it was also a lovely community event full of friends and neighbours, so it didn’t even feel like work.” Carolyn

“I am not a runner. I love Meersbrook park however and after 15 years of living on the fringes of its greenary I am amazed that it is still possible to discover new ways of enjoying this green space. I marshalled, I ran, I walked. I saw the most incredible sunrise and spoke to so many lovely people. I even had cake. It was a wonderful event for all who attended, from the endurance athletes to the strollers. I saw so many smiles. It was organised with such care and attention to all aspects of attendees’ needs. Thank you so much. The only way it could have been enhanced is the thought that we can do it all again. Very well done.” Beth

“What a great 24 hours! From serious runners to families and walkers. A real lovely community event which also showed our solidarity with people who don’t have the same freedom to move in Palestine. Same time next year?” Cath

“What a wonderful event! Well organised, well attended and well worth the effort. Lots of lovely people and a lovely venue as well. Even the weather was good! Thanks to all the organisers and supporters for making it a great 24 hours.” Jo

“It was such a lovely weekend and great to meet some really nice people. Thanks to the organisers who did a great job and well done to all the runners 🙂 let’s do it all again next year!Hannah

“What a brilliant day out. So happy we had a chance to be a part of this.” Mary

“If the event goes on next year, we could field a large team and have a relay covering every hour.”  Tom, Goodgym

“As a non-runner, I’d never have thought that 24hrs of it could be so enjoyable. Well done everyone and hope it’s back again next yr!” Kate

“It was a wonderful event for all who attended, from the endurance athletes to the strollers. I saw so many smiles. It was organised with such care and attention to all aspects of attendees’ needs. Thank you so much. The only way it could have been enhanced is the thought that we can do it all again. Very well done.” Beth

“Brilliant to be part of the event in a small way … big well done to the organisers!” Jenny

“It really was a great event. Thanks to all the organisers and marshals who kept us going through the night.” Ali

Amongst many other things, I really liked the balance between the individual act of running and the obvious collectivism of the event, the way there were always people dotted around the course smiling or urging people on, I really liked the balance of it being for a great cause without that ever being shoved in your face (the signage was brilliant), the setting of the park and people’s obvious enjoyment of the natural environment, I loved the friendly Sheffield feel of it, and the way there always seemed to be two or three runners beetling their way up that bloody hill. I surprised myself how much I enjoyed the actual running, must be the blue trainers, Alistair from Bristol