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Children’s Play and Mental Health Support in Gaza

Sheffield Palestine Cultural Exchange (SPaCE) helps children in Gaza and the Occupied Territories by both providing funds to improve health play and cultural facilities and by raising awareness in Sheffield of the living conditions faced by young people living in Gaza and the Occupied Territories. SPaCE is a charity – number 1198863.

The charity trustees released this statement on March 22nd 2024:

“Since October 2023 Gaza has been in the midst of an unprecedented crisis. International humanitarian organisations are warning that a major famine is imminent and the lives of children are particularly vulnerable. Israeli bombardments have led to the near total destruction of homes, hospitals, water supply, schools and universities.

Our normal work cannot be carried out: the Children’s Centres no longer function. So, given these extraordinary circumstances, SPaCE has decided to support an established and trusted Emergency Aid distribution network providing basic essentials, including food, hygiene kits for women, children’s clothing, nappies, blankets, plastic sheeting for shelter and other such simple provisions to help sustain life.

You can find updates on the emergency relief provided here.”

Better times: A group game at the Never Stop Dreaming Centre, partners in the Healing Project

small park BIG RUN is proud to be able to support SPaCE’s work and hopes that we can help rebuild the projects offering such important safe play spaces for children in Khan Younis and Khuza’a in the Gaza Strip.

You can transfer the funds you raise to the Sheffield Palestine Cultural Exchange bank account using the reference ‘#spBR24’: Sort code: 05-08-18 * Account number: 33129312.

If you wanted to get sponsorship for your participation in the run please set up your own Give As you Live Page or ask your friends and family to donate directly here

Or use paypal send money to

University education for Palestinian women .

The Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund has also faced serious difficulties in continuing its support for women’s education since October 2023. The trustees have issued this statement:

“Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund is intent on continuing its support for Palestinian women to access education. It will work with it’s Gazan partners, when possible, to support the Gaza-based students. Sadly, it is not currently clear how access to resources can be facilitated given the wholesale destruction of education facilities in Gaza. When we know more we will update you. The Fund also supports students in the West Bank where conditions are extremely bad and universities have been closed forcing learning online. Support for these students will continue as normal.”

You can sponsor and donate to the Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund (SPWSF) using this Give As You Live page . The scholarship fund is a charity. Charity number: 1133499 .

We have little news on our students in Gaza, though we know that at least one has been
killed. Our students in the West Bank are concerned for their sister students in Gaza and
face their own uphill struggle to be educated.

Nagham Khalayleh, a student being supported in the West Bank, is in her third year of a four-year nursing degree at Hebron University.

I love being at university. I chose nursing as it is a noble and humanitarian profession. It’s about helping others. My studies have become much harder for me. I’ve faced the
challenges and stress of adapting to online learning, which started after October 7 th and may continue into the next semester given that the war in Gaza is ongoing. The practical training we need in order to understand the theory has been re-scheduled and the uncertainty over whether it will happen is very stressful. I’m sure my educational attainment will be affected by all that has happened.

I live in the village of Samoa, which is about sixty kilometers south of Hebron. It is almost
impossible now to go to Hebron or move around the city. The road closures are very strict.
Even if practicals can be organised, it will take hours to get to the university and hours to get back again.

Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund supports Palestinian women in Gaza and the West Bank to enter higher education through a yearly scholarship. It was set up in 2007 and currently supports 55 women in Gaza and 7 in the West Bank by paying their university
entrance fees. One year’s university fees averages between £300-600.

You can sponsor and donate to the Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund using this Give As You Live page

Read the latest Scholarship Fund newsletter