In 2021-22 the Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund awarded a record number of scholarships: 75 in total! As a result 68 young women in Gaza and 7 young women in the West Bank have been able to study at university this year.
Our loyal supporters made this stunning number of scholarships possible and we thank everyone who has made a donation or fundraised on our behalf. A special thank you goes to all of you who are taking part in Small Park BIG Run 2022. Half the proceeds from this wonderful, annual event come to the Scholarship Fund.
Our students amaze us. They are young women who would not have been able to attend university without a scholarship. They show incredible determination and are highly committed both to their studies and their communities.
Despite how we suffer in Gaza – as a result of economic hardship, wars, diseases, shortages in medical equipment – I never lose my passion. I always try to regain my strength and my ability to help myself and others to become the best people that we can be. The Sheffield women’s scholarship helps me keep my passion, my ability to continue, and my determination to succeed.
Nagham Khalayleh, from the West Bank, who is studying nursing at the University of Hebron, wanted us to know:
The main reason why I chose nursing was because when I was a little girl my Dad was very sick and I wanted to help him in any way I could and to ease his pain. After he died I started to dream of becoming a nurse so I could help other people and alleviate their suffering.
For me nursing is a noble, humanitarian profession. I hope to complete my undergraduate studies and then practice nursing and I also look forward in the future to helping my family financially. I hope I manage to make my dreams and aspirations come true. And I won’t hesitate, if circumstances allow it, to continue my studies and do a master’s degree in nursing.
For more information on the Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund see: