small park BIG RUN programme 2023

Midsummer would not be the same without small park BIG RUN ! As usual on the weekend nearest the solstice we will be in Meersbrook park with hundreds of runners enjoying our wonderful park and keen to stand with Palestinian people in their struggle for justice.

We have some very special plans this year to come together as a community in something we can all enjoy; aside from the running (or walking or hopping or skipping) – we have poetry, music, kites, lanterns, tree planting, and, before the traditional fun run on the Sunday, ‘a mass sing’ led by 6 Sheffield choirs, while connected up to our partners in Gaza.

Please sign up here.

We will also be looking for people to help us support the event by being marshals over the 24 hours. Can you spare an hour? If so please sign up here .

And dont forget: if you are not in Sheffield you can still take part: let us know on twitter or facebook or instagram. Use the tag #spbr2023


Date / timeActivity
Saturday 17th June, from 11.30Registration tent will be open!
Saturday 17th June, midday.small park BIG RUN 2023 starts. We will be set off by a Sheffield based Samba band
Saturday 17th June, 1pm-4pm.Lantern workshop. Come and make a lantern to be hung in the woods at night
Saturday 17th June 2pm - 5pmJoin the writing team to swap your words for bloomin' seeds!

Last year the writing group composed this poem on the theme of refgugees
Saturday 17th June 2pm Mass kite flying ceremony at the top of the hill by Turners' corner.
Saturday 17th June, 3pm.Help us plant a tree in solidarity with Palestinian farmers . Look for the Palestinian Voices tent
Saturday 17th JuneClimate justice , women and Palestine - a talk from Dima Ashlani. This will take place in the Palestinian voices tent
Saturday 17th June, about 7.30pm till about 8pmLantern procession led by a Samba band. Lights in the woods switched on!
Sunday 19th June, 10 amPalestine Marathon talk with Jawad and Matt. This will take place in the Palestinian voices tent. Free coffee and cake!
Sunday 19th June, 11 amBuskers hour is back! Buskers' Hour is a chance to come to the park and hear some music all around the park played for Palestine.
Sunday 19th June, middayRun ends. Lord Mayor will be handing over a certificate on behalf of all the children who have participated. we hope to facebook live this event. Watch this space.
Sunday 19th June, midday-ish UK timeLive link up with Palestine : join in our mass solidarity sing led by six Sheffield based choirs
Sunday 19th June, 12.30Fun run: free dash around the park
Sunday 19th June, 12.45Run closes