Palestine Voices Tent 2024

This year we have a bigger tent – more people, more speakers! These are listed below together with a short biography of each

WhoTitleDay / Time
Short filmOn our Land (Film)Saturday 12.45-1.15
Fuad Abu Saif (via zoom)The reality of Food Sovereignty amidst the Israeli genocide war in PalestineSaturday 1.30 – 2.15
Taysir AbassiFair trade and farming for export under occupationSaturday 2.30 – 3.15
Morgan CooperTraditional agriculture under occupationSaturday 3.30 – 4.15
Sahar and MusheirGaza and famine and what we can doSaturday 4.30 – 5.15
Jawad and RubaControl of land and movement in the West Bank. (Jawad and Ruba will serve a Palestinian breakfast during the discussion)Sunday 10.00 – 11.00

Fuad Abu Seif

Fuad Abu Seif (Twitter: @Fuadas6) is a Palestinian activist combining expertise in agriculture, environment, and social activism. he dedicates himself to improving the lives of Palestinian farmers. Through social development initiatives, he fights poverty by designing projects that empower farmers and promote sustainable practices.

Fuad Abu Seif stands as a respected activist , a powerful voice for sustainable agriculture, environmental protection, and human rights in Palestine.

Fuad will be speaking about food sovereignty and what it means for Palestine

Taysir Abassi

Taysir Arbasi a member of Zaytoun CIC, based in Palestine.

Working with farming communities since 20 years, advocating for Fair trading and produce quality, liaising for Zaytoun and farmer cooperatives for marketing.

Taysir will be speaking about his journey with farmers and the difficulty of production under occupation.

A Zaytoun stall will be present at small park BIG RUN stacked with Palestinian olive oil, dates and grains

Morgan Cooper

Morgan is a prolific and powerful instagramer (see below) where she documents her experience of the occupation as a US citizen married to a Palestinian man with land in Area C just outside Ramallah. Their land is a space they are using to grow back Palestine – sowing heritage trees, plants and crops.

Morgan will be speaking about traditional agriculture and her life under occupation in Palestine

Sahar and Musheir

Sahar and Musheir are Palestinians who live in Sheffield

Sahar, a doctor, has been a prominent campaigner throughout the genocide and set up the Justice Now camp in front of Sheffield Town Hall in January 2024

Mushier has been a tieless campaigner for justice for Palestine for many years. Chair of Palestine Solidarity Campaign in Sheffield, he has made several films documenting life under Israeli occupation, most recently Shanshula, a moving account of fishermen and fisherwomen in Gaza. Made just before the war on Gaza, all the boats and houses they lived in and shown in the film have been destroyed.

Sahar and Musheir will talk about the situation in Gaza and in particular the famine

Jawad and Rubba

Jawad, whose father was from a village near Nablus and was made a refugee in 1948 during the Nakba, has lived in Sheffield for many years and is a co-organiser of small park BIG RUN

Rubba was born in Nablus and has recently moved to Sheffield for work