Reflection on travels in the West Bank

In 2007 one of the small park BIG RUN organisers went to the West Bank. Through the lens of the devastation of Gaza today and the increasingly oppressive occupation in the West Bank, Kath looks back at her travels.

You can download her reflections here . Please donate to Sheffield Palestine Cultural Exchange when you do. There are three ways to donate. We suggest £10.

  • By BACS: transfer funds to the Sheffield Palestine Cultural Exchange bank account using the reference ‘WBT2007’: Sort code: 05-08-18 Account number: 33129312.
  • Direct debit or credit card payment here (change the amount if you want to give less or more than £10)
  • Give as you live is here

Solidarity and tree share deep roots

As we move to Autumn, we celebrate this year’s midsummer small park BIG RUN with a short film.

Inspired by the wonderful words of Mahmoud Soliman, the poetry and courage of Feryal and Arwa in Hebron and helped by the stunning photography of Ahmad Al Baz, Trees and Sumud is a short film paying homage to Palestinian trees and Palestinian resilience.

Arwa and Feryal sit by their tree resolute in its defence: