Did you know you can sign up for the small park BIG RUN 2018 as a team?
In last year’s run over fifteen teams took part. Already signed up for 2018 are Sheffield Woodcraft Folk, Couch25K, Steel City Striders, Sheffield Labour Friends of Palestine, Kihafe and Urban Lycra Collective!
It’s entirely up to you to decide how your team approaches the run. For example:
- run for the whole 24 hours in shifts or relays
- altogether in one time slot as a group or,
- only during the hours of darkness.
It’s up to you! To create a team and invite your friends, colleagues, family etc to join it is straightforward. Click here then select ‘Create a team’ and follow the instructions.
Options You are given a number of options including naming, describing and setting an optional password for your team. If you haven’t already entered the run you will be offered an option to do so.
You can also manage the team settings and, most importantly, invite people to join your team either via a web link or through an email interface.
More info Should you have any problems or questions about entering your team please contact us.