Community philosophy – Zoom workshop exploring philosophical concepts relating to Palestine and beyond

For her ‘small park BIG RUN DIY activity’ Kate Halliwell has very kindly offered to run a community philosophy workshop. Read Kate’s invite below and please think about signing up!

“If you would like to explore concepts such as justice, damage, equality, race and human rights come along to my Community Philosophy Zoom session. We’ll share our ideas, beliefs and experiences to delve deeper into various themes relating to Palestine and beyond. Since we are all philosophers at heart, no knowledge of philosophy is needed. Just bring a spoon! Saturday 20th June from 3pm-5pm.

“If you would like to join, please email by midnight 18th June.

A person standing in front of a mirror posing for the camera

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A Library of Life Community Philosophy workshop – June 2020

“I will send you a zoom invite (the day before). Note: Maximum 10 people, first come, first served. Suitable for age 16+

You read more about the community philosophy approach here.