We are sure you will have heard about the horrendous, ongoing tragedy in Gaza where to date 61 unarmed protesters have been killed and another 2,771 injured by the hugely disproportionate aggression of the Israeli army – 1,360 of those injuries were from live ammunition.
These events affect those very same people the small park BIG RUN aims to help. No-one will have been left untouched and unharmed physically or mentally by this atrocity. The trauma centre we are supporting will at least provide respite and solace to some of those affected.
As if what happened isn’t bad enough, the resource-starved Palestinian health service is struggling to cope.
But you can help. Medical Aid for Palestine has reported there is an urgent need for blood and medical supplies to help the wounded. If you wish you can donate, however small an amount, to the emergency appeal here.
Hopefully you will be joining us on June 16/17 to hold hands with and extend love, sympathy and solidarity to our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Last year’s live broadcast link up with the Gazan children’s centres we support was a hugely emotional affair. Following the current events, this link up will be even more poignant this year.
In solidarity and love,
The organisers of small park BIG RUN